Apple Suspends Talks With Hyundai

Though we know that Apple’s first-ever car may not show up until 2024, these estimates could be stretched to a couple of years now. This is because Apple isn’t able to partner with any automaker till now, and will take more time to shake hands with one. To date, we heard that Apple is in talks with several automakers including Hyundai and its affiliate, Kia. Nikkei has earlier reported that Apple is in talks with at least six Japanese automakers, and may come to a decision soon. But new reports tell that talks with Hyundai were suspended. While there’s no clue to anyone when those discussions could resume, it’s most possible that Apple cars be produced at Kia’s Georgia plant in the US if Apple partners with Hyundai/Kia. Apple doesn’t have many choices though, and joining Hyundai is most likely since the company has earlier leaked it was in talks with Apple. Whatever, Apple car is still a dream for many, including the fans, Apple itself, and even the competitors! All are waiting for what revolution Apple can make in the autonomous EV industry. We’ve earlier heard that Apple may not manufacture the whole car, but the battery that’s so typical and revolutionary. Let’s just wait and see.

Apple Reportedly Paused Discussions With Hyundai and Kia on its EV Plans - 49Apple Reportedly Paused Discussions With Hyundai and Kia on its EV Plans - 75